Call for PBSA Associate Editor

The Bibliographical Society of America (BSA) seeks a new Associate Editor to join the editorial team for The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America (PBSA). The Associate Editor will work closely with Editor Sarah Werner—along with the Managing Editor, Reviews Editor, and University of Chicago Press—in all aspects of producing the quarterly journal that is the flagship publication of the BSA. A full description of the role is available here.

The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America focuses on textual artifacts across media, geographies, and periods. Published on behalf of the oldest scholarly society in North America dedicated to the study of books and manuscripts, PBSA focuses on both traditional and emerging media and perspectives, welcoming studies that share new information, that situate bibliographical work in theoretical frameworks, or that forward the examination of lesser-known materials. 

PBSA is committed to reaching the goals outlined for the journal in the Society’s Equity Action Plan (EAP). Central to these goals are for PBSA’s coverage to include works that represent a wide array of textual artifacts and that are written by a diverse range of authors. We welcome applications from members of underrepresented groups who feel that their background and experience make them uniquely qualified for this work.

Qualifications, Term Length, and Compensation

The Associate Editor should be an established scholar with credentials in bibliography, broadly defined, with good organizational and decision-making skills and the ability to pay close attention to details. Experience with editing a journal will be helpful; if candidates do not have such editorial experience, they should be able to demonstrate their familiarity with the standards of scholarly publication, including peer review. Candidates should also be able to show a commitment to the study of material texts, whether through publications, teaching, librarianship, and/or service, and a familiarity with BSA and PBSA

The strongest candidates

  • will be active in bibliographical fields that complement current editorial team expertise on the hand-press period and feminist scholarship,

  • will have experience with editing or managing journals, 

  • and will be able to anticipate committing to six years of service.

Candidates may be affiliated with an academic or research institution, or they may be independent scholars. Candidates should be based in the US or in a location that can accommodate regular virtual meetings in the Eastern US time zone. The BSA is open to accommodating the various modes of professional life encountered in the search process.

This fully remote role is approximately 10 hours weekly, with an annual honorarium of $8,000 to be paid directly to the individual or a partnering institution. The Society will also provide travel support for editors to attend the BSA’s January Annual Meeting in New York. 

The Associate Editor will be appointed for an initial three-year term. PBSA is shifting to a model of rolling appointments to ensure smooth transitions between Editors, with the expectation that both parties will wish to renew for a second three-year term in which the Associate Editor will serve as Editor of the journal.

How to Apply by May 10, 2024

Please provide a curriculum vitae and cover letter. The latter should include ideas about the role journals play in scholarly discourse and future directions for the journal, ideally with specific reference to the BSA’s Mission, Strategic Pillars, and to the Equity Action Plan. Candidates applying from within the academy as faculty, adjunct, or curatorial staff should describe possible institutional support and/or how time for journal tasks will fit into their work schedule. Please also provide the names and email addresses of three references who can speak to the applicant’s editorial experience and scholarship; these references will only be contacted for short-listed candidates. We welcome applications from members of underrepresented groups.

Please submit application materials using the following link by May 10, 2024:

Questions about the position may be addressed to Sarah Werner at The BSA also encourages nominations for the position by email to Erin McGuirl at